Our travel dates are only nine weeks away, all spaces are filled and we are finalizing the projects with the NGOs (non-government organizations) that we will be working with. Our friend and colleague, Piseth, from NataRaj Yoga in Phnom Penh, is assisting our group leaders with the yoga projects. Krama Yoga, Asia’s first yoga-based NGO is run by NataRaj Yoga in Phnom Penh. It is a Cambodian organization run by young men and women who have changed their lives with yoga and now provide Kids Yoga, Teen Yoga and Yoga Therapy classes for others. Krama Yoga brings yoga classes to over 300 Cambodian children and adolescents each month, most of whom are impoverished kids and young women rescued from abuse and sex trafficking.
Our first project with Krama Yoga will involve a free community class with Satsang after. The NataRaj community is a wonderful mix of the Khmer and visiting yoga practitioners. We will also be offering a workshop to the Krama Yoga teacher trainers and young teachers. Our final evening in Phnom Penh, we plan to offer a free evening yoga class along the river front. According to the U.S. Ambassador’s webpage, Cambodia is getting fit! People are doing aerobics, playing hackie-sack, and using the training equipment. It’s a very social atmosphere, with people not only exercising, but also meeting up with friends and catching up on the latest news. We look forward to being part of the Phnom Penh community, if just for a short time!
AuthorJenay Aiksnoras, Experience Curator Archives
October 2024